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Java, no sugar

So, you've got the JDK installed, you have the API documentation and theres a bewildering array of java resources at your fingertips. You even have a book which claims to teach you java in about 3 nanoseconds.

You've read the book, know what object orientation is and know basic Java syntax. If you're anything like me, at this point you are suffering information overload. All you want to do is get someone to hold your hand while you write you're first applet.

What you will need Basics Graphics
Coding resources
Using Netscape to compile java
What goes into an applet
How is an applet added to a html page
passing integer parameters
The following short applets give an idea of the graphical capabilities of java and some simple animation.
Go on Click me.
User interfaces Communicating and IO Custom Components
layout managers
Buttons and things
Containers - Frames, dialogs
Pull down menus
An example application
Reading from CGI programs
Communicating with forms
Byteswapping and fileIO
A world layout manager
An oval button
A cross shaped button
A progress bar
A set of tabs

Last updated 3rd June 1997
Questions, hints - mail sunil

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